Welcome to the official site for the Terrorist Watch and Action Task Force (T.W.A.T.). This is a new branch that is responsible for monitoring terrorist activity in America. As a sect of Operation Cling To Freedom, we mitigate everyday threats onto good, hard-working Americans by Eco-Terrorists and other Anti-American Establishment clandestine groups, such as vegans, animal rights activists, free-thinking individuals, and broad-minded groups in general.
These anarchic degenerates seek to corrupt accustomed American living with their healthier eating habits, cruelty-free living, and hope for a "better world". These theories are implemented by such acts as abandoning conventional American culture for a life of "sustainability", liberating defenseless animals, demonstrating
in public, parading down the streets
in view of children with signs and megaphones for support for said defenseless animals, clearly breaking the noise pollution laws, and refusing to support American-owned global corporations, the backbone of this country.
Clearly these threats are authentic and obviously dangerous. There could be a possible terrorist vegan lecturing about a meat-free diet
in your children's school. Every day dozens of departments and agencies work with their industry partners to help derail and arrest these malevolent, provocative alarmists.
Many people wonder how exactly we target in on animal-loving and liberating terrorists. The answer is the same as any other criminal ring, they leave a trail. People who try to liberate animals, or protest against those who torture or kill animals for industry/fun/sport, usually do not engage in using or eating animal products in their personal lives. These individuals believe they can live a "normal" life, and be as happy as you and I, without oppressing or abusing animals- that is how delusional they are. We here at T.W.A.T. accumulate countless man hours tracking, researching, and recording "vegan" activity.
Unfortunately, we have not yet secured international land as a detention center for these attackers, so many of them might be walking around
in your town. This site allows you, the reader, to help bring to light these enemies of our culture, and to do your part in protecting your children's' future, by assisting in our pursuit to eradicate these terrorists.